المادة 1: كائن

المادة 2. المنتجات – السعر

المادة 3. التسجيل والتحقق من صحة الأمر

المادة 4. الدفع

المادة 5. التسليم

المادة 6. التبادلات

المادة 7. خدمة العملاء

المادة 8. حماية البيانات الشخصية

المادة 9. المسؤولية

المادة 10. الملكية الفكرية

المادة 11. المدة

المادة رقم 12. أحكام متنوعة

المادة 13. القانون المطبق – المحاكم المختصة


تنطبق شروط البيع العامة هذه بين:

شركة أصيلة هوت كوتور، شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة برأسمال قدره 5,000,000.00 درهم. يقع مقرها الرئيسي في 72 شارع المسيرة الخضراء، حي راسين، المعاريف الدار البيضاء، المغرب. مقيدة بالسجل التجاري بالدار البيضاء تحت رقم 263507

الرقم الضريبي رقم 14366060

هاتف: 86 01 36 522 212+

البريد الإلكتروني: contact@asseela.com

يشار إليها فيما بعد باسم "أصيلة"


و :

أي شخص طبيعي أو اعتباري يرغب في إجراء عملية شراء عبر موقع أصيلة للتجارة الإلكترونية والمتوفر على الرابط https://asseela.com،
ويشار إليه فيما يلي باسم "المستخدم"،

على الجانب الآخر.

لتطبيق شروط البيع العامة هذه، من المتفق عليه أنه سيتم الإشارة إلى Asseela والمستخدم بشكل جماعي باسم "الأطراف" ويشار إليهما بشكل فردي باسم "الطرف" وأنه سيتم بعد ذلك إحالة المستخدم بعد التحقق من صحة الطلب إلى بصفته "المشتري". سيتم تطبيق حقوق والتزامات المستخدم تلقائيًا على المشتري.

المستخدم الذي يرغب في شراء المنتجات (الملابس التقليدية الراقية) المعروضة للبيع عبر الإنترنت على موقع أصيلة ويتمتع بالأهلية القانونية الكاملة أو الاستفادة من تفويض شخص يتمتع بالسلطة الأبوية أو المعلم أو الوصي.

يتطلب أي طلب لمنتج معروض للبيع على الموقع التشاور والقبول الصريح لشروط البيع العامة هذه، دون أن يكون هذا القبول مشروطًا بتوقيع مكتوب بخط اليد من جانب المستخدم.

وفيما يتعلق بالتوقيع الإلكتروني، تجدر الإشارة إلى أن التحقق من صحة أمر الشراء على النحو المحدد في المادة 3.3. يشكل فيما يلي توقيعًا إلكترونيًا له، بين الطرفين، نفس قيمة التوقيع المكتوب بخط اليد ويشكل دليلاً على مجمل الأمر واستحقاق المبالغ المستحقة تنفيذًا للأمر المذكور.

تنطبق شروط البيع العامة هذه، دون قيود أو تحفظ، على جميع المبيعات التي أبرمتها شركة أصيلة للمشترين غير المحترفين الراغبين في الحصول على المنتجات المعروضة للبيع عبر الإنترنت على الموقع.

يمكن الوصول إلى شروط البيع العامة هذه في أي وقت على الموقع، وستكون لها الغلبة، حيثما ينطبق ذلك، على أي نسخة أخرى أو أي وثيقة أخرى متناقضة.

ما لم يثبت خلاف ذلك، فإن البيانات المسجلة من قبل أصيلة تشكل دليلا على جميع المعاملات.

يتم الوصول إلى الموقع في ظل ظروف الاتصال بالإنترنت العادية. لن يتم أيضًا تحميل المستخدم أي تكاليف اتصال إضافية.

قد تخضع شروط البيع العامة هذه للتعديلات، والشروط المطبقة هي تلك السارية في تاريخ تقديم الطلب.

المادة 1: كائن

الغرض من شروط البيع العامة هذه هو تحديد، حصريًا بسبب العلاقات التجارية التي يقيمها الطرفان على الإنترنت، حقوقهم والتزاماتهم الناشئة عن البيع عبر الإنترنت للمنتجات المعروضة على الموقع. تنظم هذه الشروط جميع الخطوات اللازمة لتقديم الطلب وتضمن مراقبة هذا الطلب بين الطرفين المتعاقدين.

يتفق الطرفان على أن علاقاتهما ستخضع حصريًا لهذا العقد. وفي حالة فقدان شرط ما، فإنه يعتبر خاضعا للممارسات المعمول بها في قطاع البيع عن بعد بالنسبة للشركات التي يوجد مقرها الرئيسي في المغرب.

المادة 2. المنتجات – السعر

2.1. منتجات

المنتجات المعروضة للبيع من قبل Asseela هي تلك التي تظهر على الموقع، في يوم استشارتها من قبل المستخدم.

يتم عرض المنتجات للبيع حتى نفاذ المخزون.

في حالة عدم توفر المنتج بعد تقديم الطلب بسبب تناقض في المخزون، سيتم إبلاغ المشتري عبر البريد الإلكتروني عند استلام المعلومات التي أرسلتها خدمة Asseela اللوجستية. سيتم بعد ذلك تنفيذ عملية إلغاء المنتج غير المتوفر وسداد تكاليفه بواسطة شركة أصيلة، ويظل باقي الطلب ثابتًا ونهائيًا.

2.2. معلومات المنتج

لكل منتج معروض للبيع على الموقع، توفر أصيلة ورقة وصفية لعرض خصائصه الأساسية. تبذل أصيلة قصارى جهدها لتزويد المستخدم بأكبر قدر ممكن من المعلومات مما يسمح له بمعرفة المنتجات قبل تسجيل طلباته.

إذا ظهرت أخطاء أو سهو، على الرغم من كل العناية التي تم اتخاذها في صياغة هذه الأوصاف، فلا يمكن تحميل أصيلة المسؤولية.

إن أوصاف المنتجات وكذلك الصور الفوتوغرافية لها قيمة إرشادية فقط ولا تدخل في النطاق التعاقدي. على وجه الخصوص، اعتمادًا على متصفح الإنترنت المستخدم بالإضافة إلى دقة شاشة المستخدم، قد لا تكون الألوان التي تظهر في صور المنتجات المعروضة على الموقع مطابقة تمامًا للألوان الفعلية للمنتجات.

في حالة ملاحظة المستخدم لأي خطأ أو إغفال في أوصاف المنتجات، يمكنه الاتصال بخدمة العملاء (contact@asseela.com) لإبلاغه. وتتعهد أصيلة بعد ذلك بالمضي قدمًا في أسرع وقت ممكن لتصحيح هذه الأخطاء أو السهو.

2.3. سعر

الأسعار موضحة بالدرهم (DH) بما في ذلك ضريبة القيمة المضافة، وجميع الضرائب متضمنة، وتأخذ في الاعتبار التخفيضات المحتملة بالإضافة إلى ضريبة القيمة المضافة المطبقة في يوم الطلب.
ومع ذلك، يمكن للمستخدم اختيار عملة أخرى.

الأسعار المشار إليها مضمونة في حدود المخزونات المتاحة، باستثناء التغييرات الكبيرة في الرسوم وخاصة ضريبة القيمة المضافة، وباستثناء الأخطاء المطبعية أو السهو. الأسعار المذكورة لا تأخذ في الاعتبار تكاليف الشحن التي سيتحملها المستخدم حسب البلد الذي سيتم فيه التسليم.

تحتفظ أصيلة بالحق في تعديل أسعارها في أي وقت ولكن سيتم إصدار فاتورة بالمنتجات على أساس الأسعار المعمول بها في وقت تسجيل الطلب، مع مراعاة توفر المنتجات المذكورة.

الأوصاف والأسعار المذكورة على موقعنا دقيقة ولكن قد تحدث أخطاء. إذا اكتشفنا خطأ في تسعير منتج قمت بطلبه، فسنخطرك في أقرب وقت ممكن ونمنحك الفرصة لإلغاء الطلب أو تأكيده بالسعر الصحيح. إذا لم نتمكن من الوصول إليك، فسنقوم بإلغاء الطلب تلقائيًا وستسترد أموالك بالكامل. إذا قمت بالإلغاء، فسيتم استرداد الطلب بالكامل.

المادة 3. التسجيل والتحقق من صحة الأمر

3.1. التنقل داخل الموقع

يمكن للمستخدم قراءة المنتجات المختلفة المعروضة للبيع من قبل شركة أصيلة على موقعها.

يمكن للمستخدم تصفح الصفحات المختلفة للموقع بحرية، دون الالتزام بأي أمر.

3.2. التسجيل وكلمة المرور

التسجيل ضروري وإلزامي لتقديم الطلب.

ويتم هذا التسجيل على مرحلتين:

أولاً، يقوم المستخدم بفتح حساب من خلال الإشارة إلى عنوان بريده الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور الخاصة به في قسم "حسابي" (أعلى الصفحة الرئيسية للموقع). تقوم أصيلة بعد ذلك بإرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى المستخدم لإبلاغه بنجاح إنشاء حسابه.

ثانيًا، بمجرد تنشيط حسابه، يمكن للمستخدم الوصول إليه عن طريق الإشارة إلى عنوان بريده الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور في قسم "حسابي" (أعلى الصفحة الرئيسية للموقع). ). وبالتالي، يقوم بالوصول إلى النموذج الموجود في قسم "حسابي" والذي يجب عليه بعد ذلك إكماله بدقة، بما في ذلك المعلومات اللازمة لتحديد هويته، وعلى وجه الخصوص، اسمه الأول والأخير ورقم الهاتف وعنوان البريد الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور. يمر. ويمكنه أيضًا ملء هذه القياسات في وقت التسجيل أو يمكنه ترك هذه الخطوة لوقت لاحق.
تضمن أصيلة سرية البيانات المرسلة بعد إدخال كلمة المرور المذكورة. ويكون المستخدم مسؤولاً عن استخدام كلمة المرور الخاصة به. ويضمن حفظها وسريتها. لاحظ أن كلمة المرور ستكون مشفرة وأنه حتى أصيلة لن تتمكن من الوصول إليها.

في حالة نسيان كلمة المرور، يمكن للمستخدم الحصول على كلمة مرور جديدة من خلال النقر على الرابط "هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟" » معروض في قسم "الاتصال". سيتم إرسال كلمة المرور الجديدة إليه عبر البريد الإلكتروني. يمكن للمستخدم تغيير كلمة المرور هذه في أي وقت في قسم "حسابي".

عند إنشاء حسابه، يجوز للمستخدم أن يأذن لـ Aseela بإرسال دعوات المبيعات الخاصة بهم بالإضافة إلى رسائلهم الإخبارية عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

3.3. تسجيل الطلب

يقوم المستخدم بتقديم طلبه عبر اتصال بالإنترنت مما يسمح له بتصفح الموقع. لكي يتم قبول طلبك، يجب أن يحتوي على جميع المعلومات المفيدة اللازمة لمعالجته. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يشكل أي طلب قبولًا للشروط العامة للبيع والأسعار ووصف المنتجات المتاحة للبيع.

إذا كان المستخدم يرغب في تقديم طلب، فسوف يختار المنتجات المختلفة التي تهمه ويعرب عن اهتمامه من خلال النقر على مربع "أضف إلى سلة التسوق".

At any time, the User may:

•    Obtain a summary of the Products he has selected, by clicking on “My basket”

•    Continue your selection of Products by clicking on “Continue shopping”

•    Finish your selection of Products and order the Products by clicking on “Payment”

To order the Products selected in their basket, the User must identify themselves, either by entering their email address and password if they have already created their account with Asseela. Or, otherwise, by completing the form in the “Connection” section by clicking on my account (at the top of the Site’s home page). The User is informed and accepts that entering these two identifiers to access to his customer account (email address and password) constitutes proof of his identity and confirms his consent.

Once the User is identified, he will be able to provide information relating to his measurements and then he will have to validate the delivery information then an order summary will appear on the screen, specifying: the nature, quantity and price of the Product(s). retained by the User, as well as the amount of delivery costs, the order total, the user’s contact details and the delivery address.

Asseela cannot combine several unshipped orders.

3.4. Final validation of the order

After having read the details of their future order, and once all the requested information has been completed by the User, the latter can click on “Payment” in order to definitively confirm their order.

In the case of payment by bank card, the User must then provide certain information relating to the bank card used:

•    The name of the bank card holder

•    The bank card number

•    The expiration date thereof

•    Its cryptogram number (3-digit number on the back of the bank card)

As soon as he validates his payment by credit card, the order is recorded and becomes irrevocable. The User becomes a Buyer. The purchase order will be recorded in Asseela computer records, themselves kept on a reliable and durable medium, and will be considered as proof of the contractual relations between the Parties.

As soon as you have placed your order, an email acknowledging receipt of it will be sent to you. This email confirms that your order is registered on our site but is in no way a definitive confirmation. The order is confirmed when the tracking number of your package is sent by email, or when the part is physically sent to you.

3.5. Order confirmation

When he has validated his payment by bank card (with the provision of his card number, the expiration date and the cryptogram on the back of his card), a summary of the Buyer’s order will be sent by email, upon receipt of the order form, to the email address indicated by him at the time of the order. This confirmation will include all the constituent elements of the contract between the Parties, as well as an estimate of the shipping date.

Asseela recommends that the Buyer keep their order confirmation email or print it. However, documents archived in Asseela’s computer systems will be considered as legal evidence. A summary of the order will also be available in the Buyer’s customer account.

المادة 4. الدفع

4.1. Amount of the order

The amount owed by the Buyer is indicated before validation of the order by the User as well as on the order confirmation sent by email by Asseela to the Buyer.

The user must pay the entire amount at the time of ordering. No reservations are possible.

4.2. payment methods

Payment will be made, unless the server is unavailable, immediately on the Internet, by payment card issued in Morocco or by payment card issued abroad by Carte Bleue Visa or Mastercard.

Payment for the order can also be made by Paypal.

Payments by credit card are entirely secure by Maroc Télécommerce

4.3. Payment confirmation

The order will be considered valid after confirmation of the bank payment agreement. If the CMI refuses, the order will be automatically canceled.
In any event, Asseela reserves the right to refuse any order or delivery in the event of I) an existing dispute with the Buyer, II) total or partial non-payment of a previous order by the Buyer, III ) refusal of authorization for payment by bank card from banking organizations, IV) non-payment or partial payment. Asseela cannot be held liable under any circumstances.

4.4. Payment deadline

When the Buyer pays with an immediate debit card, the Buyer’s bank account is debited within 2 to 5 days of placing the order. This deadline varies depending on the banking organization. In the case of a deferred debit card, the Buyer’s bank account will be debited for the amount of their order under the same conditions as usual debits.

4.5. Exceptional conditions

Asseela has implemented a verification procedure to prevent any fraudulent use of bank details to place an order on its Site. As part of this verification, the customer will be asked to send Asseela (by mail) a copy of both sides of their identity document as well as proof of address less than 3 months old. The order can only be shipped after receipt and verification of the parts sent. Asseela reserves the right to reimburse said order in the event of non-receipt of documents or in the event of receipt of non-compliant documents.

Only customers who have placed an order for an amount greater than an amount defined by Asseela will need to provide these supporting documents. Following registration of their order, the Buyer concerned will receive an email from Asseela Customer Service to this effect.

المادة 5. التسليم

5.1. Shipping time

The delivery time of an order corresponds to an indicative time starting from the day following that of the Buyer’s validation of his order.

This deadline takes into account the estimated processing times of the order by Asseela. Under no circumstances will it be enforceable, but in the event of an unusual delay, an email will be sent to the Buyer.

Average shipping times are between 24 and 48 working hours in Moroccan territory, and between 4 and 8 working days internationally. To this deadline is added that of the requested alteration (if any) in addition to that of the carrier for delivery to the delivery address.

In practice, orders are shipped from Asseela Casablanca, Monday to Friday. Orders placed on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday are processed on Monday morning.

ASSEELA is not responsible for the non-receipt of an order if the user has made an error in filling in their information.

5.2. Shipping

Following shipment of the order, the Buyer will receive an email specifying the tracking number of their package. The buyer can thus follow the traceability of their package by clicking on the link provided for this purpose. The Products are shipped to the delivery address indicated by the Buyer in their customer account. If the buyer has several delivery addresses registered in his customer account, he can select one before finalizing his order and making payment. Asseela does not deliver to post office boxes.

The delivery date of the goods is communicated by Asseela for purely indicative purposes. Any reasonable delay, not attributable to Asseela or duly justified by it in the delivery of the goods will not entitle the customer to damages and/or cancellation of the order.

5.3. Delivery

Asseela delivers throughout Morocco and worldwide, with package tracking number (see article 5.2 above).

Packages are generally delivered within 2 to 3 days in Morocco and 6 to 8 days outside Morocco, working hours depending on their shipping date. If the Buyer is not present when the package is presented at the delivery address, the carrier will make a second (final) visit.

In the event that the Buyer has not been able to collect his package in Moroccan territory, it will be returned to the Asseela warehouses. Asseela will then offer to the Buyer to reship their order a second time. If the Buyer does not respond to Asseela’s proposal to return the package a second time within 24 hours, Asseela reserves the right to put the item(s) back on sale and to issue a credit note in the name of the Buyer. This credit must be used within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of purchase outside the sales period and before the following season.

5.4. Lost/damaged package

If within 5 working days following the dispatch of his order, the Buyer has still not received his parcel nor a delivery notice nor precise information via the online tracking of his parcel, he must take contact Asseela Customer Service (contact@asseela.com).

Customer Service will then open an investigation with the Carrier. The Buyer will receive an email informing them that a postal survey has been opened and that response times vary between 10 and 30 days from the opening of the survey. If the package is found, it will be immediately returned to the Buyer. If the package is considered lost or damaged, Asseela’s liability will be strictly limited to the value of the goods affected by this damage or loss. Asseela will reimburse the total amount of the order.

5.5. Shipping cost

Delivery costs are the responsibility of Asseela in Moroccan territory.

And are the responsibility of the buyer for any delivery outside Moroccan territory.

5.6. Taxes and fees

For customers outside Moroccan territory, we ship orders excluding import costs. This means that import fees are not included in the prices you see online and you may have to pay customs fees when you receive your order or later depending on your country’s customs. You may have to pay VAT or sales tax but there may be other local taxes that you will have to pay to receive your order.

المادة 6. التبادلات

Asseela cannot under any circumstances exchange an item that has undergone personalization, retouching or any request for embellishment.

The Buyer may request an exchange of all or part of the Products in his order in Moroccan territory if the latter has not undergone any special treatment (retouching, personalization, etc.), as long as he sends an email to Asseela Customer Service on same day of receipt of the product. Beyond this period, Asseela will not be able to process the exchange request under any circumstances. Asseela Customer Service will then issue a return authorization the next morning, indicating the return address of the package.

The package accompanied by the return authorization (e-mail) must be returned within the day of receipt of the return authorization to the address communicated by Asseela Customer Service by contacting the carrier so that he can come and collect the package .

Any claim made after this deadline will be rejected and Asseela will be released from all liability. If the aforementioned conditions are met, Asseela will then proceed with the exchange, within ten (10) days from the date of receipt by Asseela of the package. This exchange may consist of:

In a size exchange, subject to the availability of the products on the date of the Buyer’s request,

In an exchange of color or item, subject to the availability of the products on the date of the Buyer’s request, or

By issuing a credit that can be used within three (3) months from the date of purchase outside the sales period and before the following season.

Products subject to exchange must be returned in their original packaging to the address provided by Asseela Customer Service. The Products must be returned in new condition and suitable for resale, i.e.:

Not worn

Unsoiled, unwashed

Not ironed

Folded in their original packaging

And with the security and identification label (Tag) still attached to the Product(s)

The Products must be accompanied by all their accessories and accompanied by the return number provided by Asseela. The costs and risks associated with returning the product are the responsibility of the Buyer. If the product is lost by the carrier during this shipment, the Buyer will be solely responsible and cannot be reimbursed by Asseela. Therefore, it is up to him to keep all evidence of this return.

As part of this right of exchange, and for returned Products which prove to be incomplete, damaged, soiled or unfit for resale, or without the label stuck to the product Asseela will refuse to exchange the returned products.

Any package returned to the address communicated by Asseela Customer Service and not including any element allowing the Buyer to be identified, in particular the return number, cannot under any circumstances be accepted. No complaints from the Buyer will be accepted.

If the aforementioned conditions are met, Asseela will carry out an exchange or issue a credit note, within ten (10) days maximum from the date of receipt by Asseela of the package.

The costs and risks associated with reshipping are the responsibility of Asseela.


After receipt of the exchange request and the products to be exchanged, the shipping times for replacement Products are identical to a traditional shipment to order (see article 5).

Credits obtained following a return must be used within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of purchase outside the sales period and before the following season.

Article 7: Customer Service

Asseela Customer Service is at your disposal from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday at the following number: +212 522 68 10 36 or by email at the following address: contact@asseela.com

المادة 8. حماية البيانات الشخصية

8.1. Personal information

The provision of personal information collected in the context of distance selling is mandatory, this information being necessary for the registration, processing and delivery of orders as well as for the preparation of invoices. This information is strictly confidential. Failure to provide information implies automatic rejection of the order.

The User has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. To exercise this right, the User must send an email to Asseela customer service at the following address: contact@asseela.com

In any case, the User will ensure that they provide their last name, first name, address and, where applicable, their Buyer number.

Finally, Asseela may be required to communicate personal information to its commercial partners. The User may thus receive commercial offers from third parties. As such, it is specified that unless the User expressly refuses, their postal details may be communicated to Asseela’s commercial partners. However, with regard to his email address, this may only be communicated to said partners with the express agreement of the User. Of course, the User retains the possibility of refusing such communication, either by not giving their consent when registering and/or validating their order, or by subsequently expressing their refusal by email, in accordance with the paragraph above. -above.

8.2. Cookies

The only cookies that Asseela creates are those of the session which will be deleted when disconnecting from the site.

المادة 9. المسؤولية

Asseela’s liability is strictly limited to the amount of the Buyer’s order.

The involvement of Asseela cannot be blamed for all the inconveniences or damages inherent in the use of a computer, a computer network or the Internet network.

In particular, Asseela cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of a computer virus.

For all stages of access to the Site, in particular consultation, form filling, placing an order, payment as well as any other service available on the Site, Asseela only has an obligation of means.

المادة 10. الملكية الفكرية

All elements of the Site, whether visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents. They are the exclusive property of Asseela.

The content of the Asseela.com website is the intellectual and exclusive property of Asseela.

Users of the site are under no circumstances authorized to reproduce or use the content of the Asseela.com website for their own purposes.

The brands of the Asseela company and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks.

Any total or partial reproduction of these brands or logos made from elements of the Site without the express authorization of Asseela is therefore prohibited in the sense of intellectual property.

Any User or visitor to the Site cannot set up a hyperlink to it without the express prior authorization of Asseela.

Asseela cannot be responsible for access by the User via hypertext links set up within the framework of the Site to other resources present on the internet network.

المادة 11. المدة

These conditions apply throughout the duration of the online posting of the Products exhibited by Asseela.

المادة رقم 12. أحكام متنوعة

12.1. Partial invalidity

If one or more stipulations of these General Conditions of Sale are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will retain all their strength and scope.

12.2. Entire contract

These General Conditions of Sale and the order summary sent to the Buyer form a contractual whole and constitute the entirety of the contractual relations between the Parties. In the event of a contradiction between these documents, the General Conditions of Sale will prevail.

12.3. Force majeure

Asseela will not be responsible for the total or partial non-performance of its obligations under this contract, if this non-performance is caused by an event constituting force majeure, in particular in the event of a disruption or total or partial strike in particular of the services. postal and means of transport and/or communications, flooding, fire.

In the presence of an event constituting force majeure, Asseela will notify the User/Buyer within five (5) working days following the occurrence or threat of this event.

The Parties agree that they must consult as soon as possible in order to jointly determine the terms of execution of the order during the duration of the force majeure event.

Beyond a period of one (1) month of interruption due to force majeure, Asseela may not honor the order, it being its responsibility to reimburse the Buyer if necessary, within thirty ( 30 days.

المادة 13. القانون المطبق – المحاكم المختصة

These conditions are subject to Moroccan law.

The information collected on the official Asseela website is specifically intended to apply to any of our products, such as payment and delivery.

Data insiders are limited to people who know your data because of its functionality.

In accordance with Law No. 09-08 of 1-09-15 of February 18, 2009 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, you have a right of access and rectification to information which concern you.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 202 of Law No. 31/08 in the event of a dispute between the supplier and the consumer, the competent court is the court of the domicile or residence of the consumer or the court of the place where the act who caused the harm was committed.